• Charlotte

    Garden Series

  • Charlotte Rust is a costumer for theatre, film and television as well as owner of vintage boutique Fast and Loose fastandloosevintage.com. Her interests in interior design have led to several collaborations including office and store redesigns for Meadowlark Jewelry and Company of Strangers. She is based in Auckland, New Zealand.

    “My love for indoor plants developed when we moved into our new apartment. Unintentionally I started to 'decorate' with plants. The concrete and steel bunker-like design cried out for a softening of its edges so I started to cultivate a jungle-like atmosphere that in time will be fully fledged. I have learnt a great deal about looking after indoor plants, so much so that I seem to have become somewhat of an expert in my circle of friends and have encouraged their foray into indoor gardening as well. My favourite species is the philodendron, I think I have at least 8! I love the languid, climbing varieties - they are incredibly easy to look after. Also inhabiting the house are rosary vine, mistletoe cacti, sedums and string of pearls among others.

    The next project for me will be the terrace. It's quite a brutal space, being grey and concrete, but I am hoping the monstera will grow up and cover one wall. I also gave the jasmine its first massive cutback this year so hopefully it will flourish in spring. A lemon tree is on the list too."